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Tie flower arrangements without stress with Profolio films

Would you like to try something new and be creative? Then we have a great DIY – flower arrangement binding idea for you! And with our table foils you can have fun without stress.


You need a container in which to put the flower arrangement.

Then, of course, you need a plugging compound, which you can easily get from discounters, florists, DIY shops, the Internet, etc.

Scissors and a knife.

And of course beautiful flowers, twigs, decoration, etc.

The plugging

First of all you have to adapt the planting material to the pot, so you simply cut the material with a knife and let it end at the upper edge of the pot. The foam is very easy to cut and adjust.

Afterwards you simply put it into a bowl with water. You just have to wait, the foam will soak up water quickly, you don’t have to press it under water! As soon as the block is completely soaked up, you can recognize it by its darker colour. Now you can simply take it out of the water and put it into the prepared container. Amazingly, the foam hardly drips when it is soaked 😉

Of course there is a reason for the profession of the florist, there are many different rules, according to which a flower arrangement should be built. But a do-it-yourself project is not so much about perfection as about a self-created work of art, so let your imagination run wild! Nothing here has to be perfect, you just have to have fun and in the end you will hopefully like the arrangement.

You have to make sure that the flowers are cut diagonally with a knife and that they do not bend at the stem when you press them into the planting material. If the stem bends off, the flower will not get any water and will wilt quickly. By cutting them at an angle, you create a large surface for the flower to absorb water.

Once you have completely covered the foam and filled the container, the flowers are supplied by the absorbed water. Now you only need to add water every 2-3 days to ensure that you can enjoy the flower arrangement for as long as possible.

When you have finished and like everything, you can tidy up your workplace! Here you only have to dispose of the cut flower parts and wipe the table foil, that’s it!


If you have a glass table or a high-gloss surface you have to use the matt version of the tablefoil!

If you have a wooden table or a matt surface, you can use the transparent foil, but also the fine version, it depends on your taste!

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