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Want something new? A project? Our idea: Do it yourself - Upcycling with products from Profolio

A nice table, but unfortunately already a little bit taken away, because it is made of soft wood, how about a do it yourself – Upcycling with products from Profolio? Since it was not protected it has a few quirks. Apart from that you want a change, but not “forever”.

Here the solution is simple, just put some nice memories of holidays and nice time together on the table and cover it with a foil. This creates a kind of picture frame that you can redesign as you like.

In case you don’t like the pictures anymore, you can remove them and protect the table in its original form with the foil and put other decorative elements on it.

An important advice from us:

This do-it-yourself idea is very easy to implement, but there are a few things you should consider. If you want to use classic photos, i.e. with a coating on them, you should rather use the matt foil. Because here the same effect can occur as with glass tables, unattractive air pockets can form. If you prefer the high gloss foil, you can of course still use it. But in this case it would be advisable to print the photos on paper on your computer and put them underneath. This will not lead to the above mentioned effect. After all, the photos and memories should show to their best advantage!

We wish you a lot of fun while trying and copying! We are happy about customer photos of the designed tables. You can also share them on Facebook, but please mark them with “Profolio” so that we can see the designs. 🙂

Let your creativity run free!

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