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Our floor protection mat is also perfect for the kitchen!

The areas of application of the floor protection mat are versatile, especially in the kitchen it often happens that something drips or falls and it is annoying. With wooden floors or laminate it’s a peeve when water seeps into the joints and the floor swells. With the floor protection foil for the kitchen you have the perfect protection without covering the floor.

The replacement

In our example, the kitchen area was lined with PVC to protect the ground. In most cases this is attached with a double-sided adhesive tape. We had to peel off the PVC here and then scrape away the adhesive residues with great effort without damaging the floor. A torture!

Afterwards the whole area was cleaned. You should clean and polish the place well, but you have to make sure that the floor is completely dry afterwards. If there is still moisture, the floor protection mat will not stick properly and the glue may turn white. So the best thing to do is to clean the area one day and the next day the foil will stick.

In the meantime, you can easily and individually adjust the floor protection mat. You can order the foil in the right size, but sometimes you have to have to make cut-outs yourself. The foil is only 0.3 mm thin and can be cutted with normal scissors. In the kitchen the surface is usually a little bigger, here we recommend in any case to apply it in pairs. But it is actually quite simple: You have to peel off the backing paper at one corner and then spread the mat on the floor.

Tip: In the kitchen you can remove the skirting boards and apply the foil so that the edge is later under the skirting board.

First days

After application you will notice that it looks a bit “spotty” at first, this is quite normal. Because the glue will be ready within 1-2 weeks and the streaks will disappear. It is best to apply the mat in the evening and then you should let the place rest and not walk on it for some hours. Then the foil can no longer warp and the glue sticks better.

After this you can use the floor as normal and wipe it as usual. On the contrary, you no longer have to worry about water damaging the floor. The film will reliably keep everything in place without covering or damaging the floor. It can be removed without leaving any residue even after a long time.

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